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started 16.09.98     

Игры: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  | А-Я
Компании: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  | А-Я

Авторы игры

на страницу игры

Designed & Written by:Douglas Kaufman
Produced by:Matt Gruson
Technical Director:Brian Reynolds
Lead Programmer:Paul Lahaise
Lead Artist:Mike Gibson
Title Music by:Don Barto
Game Music by:Michael Bross
The Development Team
Applications Programming:Paul Lahaise
Ginny Schmidt
MADS System Design:Matt Gruson
Brian Reynolds
MADS System Engineering:Brian Reynolds
The Art Team
Painting:Mike Gibson
Bob Kathman
Cindy Lang-Bachur
Kenn Nishiuye
Animation:Charles Shenton
Kevin Boehm
Anne-Marie Cox
Frank Frazier
Ken Race
Cindy Lang-Bachur
Mike Gibson
Bob Kathman
Yvonne Chenoweth
Kenn Nishiuye
Rotoscope Modeling
Kevin Boehm
Nicholas Rusko-Berger
Bonny Sheeks
Bobby Janney
Stephane Janney
Ken Race
Charles Shenton
Bob Kathman
Anne-Marie Cox
Anne Walker
Cindy Lang-Bachur
Ginny Schmidt
Wendi Gabler
Roland Rizzo
Kenn Nishiuye
Tracy Jacque
Mike Gibson
The Sound Team
Sound Department Management:Ken Lagace
Sound Programming:Ken Lagace
Jim McConkey
Jack Miller
Roland Rizzo
Voice Sampling (CD-Rom Version):Jack Miller
Scott Patterson
Voice Track Editor (CD-Rom Version):Jack Miller
Voice Acting (CD-Rom Version)
King Callash:Greg Kemper
Pid Shuffle:Nick Raye
Queen Fiona:Yvonne Kaplan
Queen Mother:Lynne Sigler
MacMorn:Doug Kaufman
Scullery Maid:Jennifer MacLean
Guard Captain:Rebecca Jessop
Slathan Traveller:David Osborn
Tilshumet:K. D. Francis
Merchant:Frank Brown
Faerie Ambassador:Dorianne Weaver
Ranco (Guard #1):Peter Taylor
Gar (Guard #2):David Etheridge
Wise Shifter:Steven Zumbrun
Shifting Monster:Jack Miller
Greta:Ellen Rubin
Faerie Guard:Jonatha Caspian
Girl Sprites:Margaret Raisin
Boy Sprites:Mike Gibson
Butterfly King:Herman Kemper
Soptus Trader:Pat Downey
Shaman:Gerald Riley
Tent Guard:Matt Gruson
Caliph:Douglas Rhys-Davies
Llanie de Summers:Heather Osborne
Ner-Tom:Paul Ellis
Nest-Shar:Patsy Black
Guard-Shar:Sharon Weaver
Vines:Dave Ellis
Jeff Dinger
Andy Mazurek
Mike Corcoran
Sanwe:Lawrence Schick
«Hoo-ungh» Death Noise:Paul Lahaise
Gurgle Noise:Matt Gruson
The Quality Assurance Team
QA Management:Michael Craighead
Tim Train
Mike Corcoran
QA Project Leader:Dave Ellis
QA Team:Frank Brown
Bill Burton
Hamilton Chu
Jennifer MacLean
Mick Uhl
The Marketing Team
Marketing Product Manager:John Dreibelbis
Game Manuals:Douglas Kaufman
Manual Design & Layout:Joe Morel
The Dragon Team would like to thank the following individuals for their additional contributions:
Patrick Downey
Ted Markley
Lawrence Schick
Sandy Petersen
Jonatha Caspian
Philip Jose Farmer
Raymond Benson
Matt Gruson --
with special thanks for the opportunity!
This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between persons living or dead and characters in this story are entirely coincidental.
(CC) Closed Captioned for the sound card impared.

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